This woman, Lee Ann Marcum Fial, needs your help. If we can help injured dogs and cats, why not help a person who has helped so many and finds herself in difficult circumstances?
Lee Ann Marcum Fial and her family are about to lose their home just when her husband lands a job that will pay the mortgage. They have been living on $260 a week to pay the utilities and phone, buy food for the family and their 5 dogs, buy gas for the car and maintain their car and their home. Even with extreme couponing that isn't enough to live on in this economy. They asked the bank to wait until September 7th when Lee Ann's husband gets his first check and were turned down. They have to have nearly $1000 by next week on August 30th or their home will be turned over to a corporation that will reduce it to rubble and build a parking lot or shopping mall or whatever they have planned. All they needed was one more week and now they have no options.
A week or so ago I saw the outpouring of compassion and hope and help for a little dog a man accidentally ran over with his truck. In less than 4 hours, about $1000 was raised. The goal had been reached so the PayPal button was taken down. In more than 24 hours, only a few people have responded and we are nowhere near the goal of a $1000 to help this family -- and their dogs.
Can you help? Will you help?
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